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As the concern for Coronavirus increases in our community, we want to assure you that we are taking precautions at MDT to reduce risk and spread of the virus. We want to let you know about the protocols we are implementing in the MDT studios, as informed by
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention
and following the lead of other professional dance schools in the country.
First, we encourage all MDT students to take the basic measures to keep yourself and others healthy. Wash your hands with soap and water, avoid touching your face, and cover your cough.
We kindly request that if MDT students or their family members are exhibiting any signs of respiratory illness such as coughing or sneezing that you refrain from attending class until your symptoms subside.
Beginning Tuesday, March 10, 2020:
- All classes will end 5 minutes early so that the barres can be wiped down.
- Paper towels and disinfectant liquid will be available in every studio for cleaning surfaces after class.
- Faculty, accompanists, and monitors have been advised about cleaning surfaces including barres, piano keyboards, and electronics.
- Teachers will request the assistance of monitors and students (if age-appropriate) in spraying down and wiping their areas with disinfectant sprays and paper towels.
MDT staff is taking extra care to wipe down and clean surfaces, handles, and equipment at the studio. If you see something that needs attention, please
let us know.
We encourage everyone to take the personal steps required to maintain the health and well-being of our community. We encourage you to visit the CDC's
COVID-19 website
to learn more about how you can keep yourself safe and assist us in efforts to prevent spread of the virus.
We will remain dedicated to keeping the studio a safe space for everyone. As the situation progresses, we will update this post on our blog and share via email and social media.
Please feel free to be in contact with our office at 612-338-0627 if you have any questions or concerns.
UPDATE 3/10/20:
A previous version of this post suggested that those who have been exposed to anyone with these symptoms should seek medical attention to determine if you may have the virus without exhibiting symptoms. We have since received advice from a medical professional that people SHOULD NOT go seek testing for COVID-19 if they are asymptomatic or have not been exposed to a confirmed infected person. At this time that is not the protocol and there is no capacity for screening asymptomatic people.
UPDATE 3/13/20:
To support the health and well-being of our students, company artists, patrons, and larger community, we have decided to postpone a couple upcoming MDT events that would have the potential for large numbers of people to gather in confined spaces. Our intention is that these steps, taken sooner rather than later, will help mitigate the spread of Coronavirus.
The postponed events include the following:
- Celebrating Loyce, originally scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday, March 14, will be postponed to a later date, to be determined.
- The Enchantment, originally scheduled for April 3-5, will be postponed to a later date, to be determined. If you have already purchased tickets for this event, you will be contacted directly regarding refunds and exchanges.
As of now, MDT classes for the Performing Arts Division, Young Children’s Division, and Open Division will continue as scheduled with the precautions outlined above.
The Open Division Open House will also continue as scheduled on March 28 and 29.
UPDATE 3/15/20: As we learned today of the closure of Minneapolis Public Schools through March 27, MDT&S will postpone all classes at least through that date, effective immediately. We remain committed to protecting the health of our MDT&S students, families, and our larger Twin Cities community.
For Open Division, classes will be canceled effective immediately at least through Sunday, March 29, and this includes the Open Division Open House previously offered on March 28 and 29.
For more information on school closings, read this letter
from MDT Artistic Director Lise Houlton.