MDT Young Children's Division (YCD) is a joyful introduction to dance for dancers ages 4 to 11. Students explore movement through imagery, music, and self-expression.
MDT&S is committed to advancing diversity and equity within our organization and our art form. We strive to cultivate a welcoming, inclusive culture that reflects our diverse Twin Cities community and supports an environment in which students and professionals from all backgrounds can thrive.
The MDT YCD school year is divided into two sessions: Session I and Session II. Separate registration is required for each session. Family observation days are scheduled for each session. YCD Session II dancers are invited to perform in the annual Strawberry Festival: A Student Showcase.
YCD Ages 4-6 Classes
These age-appropriate classes are the joyful prelude to formal ballet and contemporary training. Young dancers will develop their understanding of rhythm and enhance their coordination as they explore fundamental dance movements in a welcoming, group-class environment. Creativity and self-expression are encouraged.
Intermediate Classes
At the Intermediate level, young dancers ages 7 to 9 train in ballet and contemporary dance with a heightened focus on alignment, musicality, and terminology. These classes prepare students for entrance into the Performing Arts Division.
Boys Program Classes
Intro to Dance - Boys Division are classes for boys, ages 6 to 11. The classes are designed to give boys a welcoming introduction to dance, with emphasis on enhancing athletic skills, flexibility, coordination, and strength. Boys I is for ages 6-8 years old or for those who are new to dance. Boys II is for ages 7-11 years old. For dancers age 5 who wish to be considered for Boys classes, MDT requires a trial placement class at the beginning of the session. Final placement decisions are made by MDT&S faculty based on evaluation.
Boys are also welcome to register for YCD Ages 4-6 class, Intermediate and PAD classes.
All Saturday YCD classes for the 2024-25 school year will take place at the Center for Performing Arts in South Minneapolis.
All Session II Boys Program Classes will take place Center for Performing Arts in South Minneapolis.
Tuesday evening YCD Intermediate will take place at Hennepin Center for the Arts in downtown Minneapolis.
YCD: Age 4
Saturdays: 9:00 am – 10:00am
YCD Age 5 & 6
Saturdays: 10:00 am - 11:00am
Intermediate: Ages 7-9
Saturdays: 11:00am - 12:30pm
Boys Class I
Thursdays: 5:00pm – 6:00pm
Boys Class II
Thursdays: 6:00pm – 7:00pm
*Please note scheduling shifts for Session II classes below
YCD: Age 4
Saturdays: 9:00 am – 9:45am
YCD Age 5 & 6
Saturdays: 9:45am - 10:30am
Intermediate: Ages 7-9
Saturdays: 10:30 - 11:30am
New class just added!
Intermediate: Ages 7-9
Tuesdays DOWNTOWN: 5:00-6:00pm
Boys Class I
Saturdays: 11:30am-12:30pm
Boys Class II
Saturdays: 12:30-1:30pm
YCD's 2024-2025 Session I begins the week of September 3rd, 2024 and Session II begins January 20, 2025, per the calendar below.
A new family fee of $35.00 (not applicable to tuition) is applied with registration for students who are new to MDT. Full payment is due upon registration. Fees and tuition are non-refundable and non-transferable after the first week of classes.
YCD students must be the appropriate age for a particular level by the first day of the session. Students enrolled in Session I who wish to continue in Session II must register online for Session II
and should remain in the same level class for the entire year.
Class placement should not be adjusted between Session I and Session II unless prior approval is received from MDT&S faculty. Continuity in the learning environment allows for more progress through the curriculum.
MDT&S has a minimum enrollment policy of 5 students per class. If minimum enrollment is not met by the end of the third week of classes, MDT&S may cancel the class and provide alternative options to students.
Questions: Please email
Registration for the 2024-2025 school accepted on a rolling basis.
September 3: Classes/Session I Begins
October 17 - 20 MEA weekend, (No YCD classes)
November 22-23: PAD Winter Showcase
November 27-30: Thanksgiving Break (no regular YCD/PAD/Boys classes)
December 15-January 1: Winter Break
January 2: Regular Classes Resume
January 19: Session I ends (Session II Enrollment Deadline)
January 20: Martin Luther King Jr Observance - No classes
January 20: Session II Begins
March 31-April 6: Spring Break
April 7: Regular Classes Resume
May 23-24: Strawberry Festival: A Student Showcase
May 24: End of YCD/Boys Session II
*Subject To Change
Family Observation dates for YCD and PAD classes will be added to the calendar once these are set for each session.
Strawberry Festival, A Student Showcase is the year-end performance for all students in the School, including Performing Arts Division and Young Children’s Division. Students will be required to attend a dress rehearsal leading up to performances.
Founded in 1962, Minnesota Dance Theatre is an acclaimed dance company and school based in Minneapolis, Minnesota.